We are saddened at the passing of Archie Kliewer on Friday, January 4, 2013.

Remembering Peter Archie Kliewer
Memorial Service

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He was a loving and caring father, grandfather and great-grandfather.  He will be missed, but his music survives on this web site.

Archie Kliewer has inspired and encouraged many by his singing and his rich tenor voice.  In the past, he was very famous in the Mennonite community and made significant contributions to the musical heritage of Tabor College in Hillsboro, Kansas.

He also has trained others for the music ministry at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville and at Belmont University in Nashville.  He has led the music ministry in various churches.

A huge selection of his beautiful and inspirational music has recently been rescued from oblivion and has been made freely available for all to enjoy at https://ArchieTenor.org.

ArchieTenor.org includes solos, duets and quartets.  Solos include The Lord’s Prayer, The 23rd Psalm, Then Shall The Righteous Shine and many others.

German selections include Die Almact, Seht was die Liebe Thut, Stille sein.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Archie-Kliewer/100000146378009

Two versions of all the songs are avalable on this page.  The first set is Mp3.  The second set is wav.  These files are huge, and suitable for maximum quality when converting to other formats.

Here are the mp3 files, and the entire collection can be downloaded at ArchieTenorMp3.zip

148 Cheri Solo

MD1 Recital Recording - Rehearsal and Live Performance

01 Preislied-DIE MEISTERSINGER, Wagner

02 Paratum cor meum-SYMPHONIAE SACRAE, Heinrich Schuetz

03 Ich verde nicht sterben-SYMPHONIAE SACRAE II, Schuetz

04 Abendlied unterm gestirnten Himmel, (H. Goeble) Beethove

05 Der Wachtelschlag, (S. F. Sauter) Beethoven

06 1-Bitten, Sechs Lieder von Gellert, Beethoven

07 2-Die Liebe des Naechsten, Sechs Lieder von Gellert, Bee

08 3-Vom Tode, Sechs Lieder von Gellert, Beethoven

09 4-Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur, Sechs Lieder von Geller

10 5-Gottes Macht und Vorsehung, Sechs Lieder von Gellert

11 6-Busslied, Sechs Lieder von Gellert, Beethoven

12 1-Let me enjoy the earth, Till Earth Outwears, Gerald Finzi

13 2-In years defaced

14 3-The Market-Girl

15 4-I look into my Glass

16 5-It never looks like Summer

17 6-At a lunar Eclipse

18 7-Life laughs onward

19 Acquaint Now Thyself with Him, Michael Head

20 The Lord is my Shepherd, Samuel Liddle

21 Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee, Samuel Liddle

22 The Lords Prayer, Albert Hay Malotte

23 1-This We Declare unto You, Opus 49, H. Leroy Baumgartner

24 2-Behold What Manner of Love

25 3-Love Is of God

26 4-This Is the Victory, Even Our Faith

MD2 Part 1 Stereo Recital Rehearsal

01 Che gelida manina, LA BOHEME, Puccini

02 Salut, demeure chast e pure, FAUST, Gounod

03 Aufenthalt, Schubert

04 Die Allmacht, Schubert

05 Liebesbotschaft, Schubert

06 Nacht und Traume, Schubert

07 Schlafendes Jesuskind, Wolf

08 Auf ein altes Bild, Wolf

09 Gebet, Wolf

10 Herr was traekt der Boden, Wolf

11 Seht was die Liebe thut, J. S. Bach

12 He counteth all your sorrows, HYMN OF PRAISE, Mendelssoh

13 Then shall the righteous shine forth, ELIJAH, Mendelssoh

14 Injemisco, REQUIUM, Verdi

15 Che gelida manina, LA BOHEME, Puccini

MD2 Part 2 Monaural Recital Performance

01 Che gelida manina, LA BOHEME, Puccini

02 Salut, demeure chast e pure, FAUST, Gounod

03 Aufenthalt, Schubert

04 Die Allmacht, Schubert

05 Liebesbotschaft, Schubert

06 Nacht und Traume, Schubert

07 Schlafendes Jesuskind, Wolf

08 Auf ein altes Bild, Wolf

09 Gebet, Wolf

10 Herr was traekt der Boden, Wolf

11 Seht was die Liebe thut, J. S. Bach

12 He counteth all your sorrows, HYMN OF PRAISE, Mendelssoh

13 Then shall the righteous shine forth, ELIJAH, Mendelssoh

14 Injemisco, REQUIUM, Verdi

MD3 Recital Programs

01 The Lords Prayer, Albert Hay Malotte

02 I-The Christmas Tree, Childhood Memories of Christmas

03 II-The Shepherds, Childhood Memories of Christmas (Six C

04 III-The Kings, Childhood Memories of Christmas (Six Chri

05 IV-Simeon, Childhood Memories of Christmas (Six Christma

06 V-Christ the Friend of Children, Childhood Memories of C

07 VI- The Christ Child, Childhood Memories of Christmas

08 Christ Went Up Into the Hills, Richard Hageman

09 Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee, Samuel Liddle

10 Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart, Selections from Messia

11 Behold and See if There Be Any Sorrow, Messiah

12 He Was Cut off Out of the Land of the Living, But Thou

13 The Cross, Harriet Ware

14 Come, Come, Ye Saints (Old English Melody), ClaytonGreen

15 If I Gained the World (Swedish Melody), Olander- Madsen

16 Ye people, rend your hearts, If with all your hearts

17 Nell, Gabriel Faure

18 Les Roses dIspahan, Faure

19 Apres un Reve, Faure

20 Chanson Triste, Henri Duparc

21 Adelaide, Ludwig van Beethoven

22 Una furtiva lagrima (LELISIR DAMORE), Gaetano Donizetti

23 Salut, demeure shaste et pure (FAUST), Charles F. Gounod

24 Recondita armonia (TOSCA), Giacomo Puccini

25 I-Lord Come Away, Bishop Jeremay Taylor, Four Hymns

26 II-Who Is this Fair One, Isaac Watts, Four Tenor Hymns

27 III-Come Love Come Lord, Richard Crashaw, Four Hymns

28 IV-Evening Hymn, Robert Bridges, Four Hymns for Tenor

29 Psalm XXIII, Paul Creston, Four Hymns for Tenor Voice

30 Seht, was die Liebe thut! (Ich bin ein guter Hirt), Bach

31 Benedictus (Mass in B Minor), J.S. Bach

32 Die Almacht, Schubert

33 So lasst mich scheinen bis ich werde, Schubert

34 Nun wandre, Maria, Hugo Wolf

35 Gebet, Hugo Wolf

36 Um ihn her ist volken and Dunkle, Biblische Lieder, Opus

37 Du bist, o Herr, mein Schirm and Schild, Biblische Liede

38 Gott erhoere mein Gebet, Biblische Lieder, Opus 99, Dvor

39 Gott ist mein Hirte, Biblische Lieder, Opus 99, Dvorak

40 Herr nun sing ich dir ein neues Lied, Biblische Lieder

41 1-On Wenlock Edge, Vaughan-Williams

42 2-From Far, From Eve and Morning

43 3-Is My Team Plowing

44 4-Oh, When I was in love with you

45 5-Bredon Hill

46 6-Clun

MD4 Selections and Dates

01 The Lost Chord, 1947

02 Must Jesus Bear the Cross alone, 1949

03 Come Ye Blessed, 1949

04 Holy Ghost with Light Divine, 1950

05 Thou Didst leave Thy Throne, 1950

06 Come Ye Blessed, 1950

07 I Love to Tell the Story, 1950

08 See what His Love Will Do, 1972

09 Comfort Ye, 1972

10 Every Valley, 1972

11 Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee, 1972

12 Eternal Life, 1972

13 I Walked today where Jesus Walked, 1972

14 The Lords Prayer, 1972

15 No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus, 1972

16 The Ninety and Nine, 1972

17 Come, Come Ye Saints, 1972

18 Bless this House, 1973

19 Seal Us Oh Holy Spirit, 1973

20 The Lords Prayer, 1973

21 Come, Come Ye Saints, 1978

22 Because He Lives, 1978

23 Satisfied, 1980

24 Acquaint Now Thyself with Him, 1985

25 Love Divine (duet w. Cheri), 1986

26 Oh, My Soul Bless Thou Jehovah (duet w. Cheri), 1987

27 The Lord Is MY Shepherd---Malotte, 1953

28 Die Allmacht, 1953

29 Be Thou Faithful unto Death, 1953

30 Es schaut bei Nacht und Tage, 1955

31 Jesus, What a Friend For Sinners, 1955

32 Gott ist mein Hirte, 1955

33 Then Shall the Righteous Shine Forth, 1955

34 Comfort Ye, 1955

MD5 Recitals edited from MD1

01 Preislied-DIE MEISTERSINGER, Wagner

02 Paratum cor meum-SYMPHONIAE SACRAE, Heinrich Schuetz

03 Ich verde nicht sterben-SYMPHONIAE SACRAE II, Schuetz

04 Abendlied unterm gestirnten Himmel, (H. Goeble) Beethove

05 Der Wachtelschlag, (S. F. Sauter) Beethoven

06 1-Bitten, Sechs Lieder von Gellert, Beethoven

07 2-Die Liebe des Naechsten, Sechs Lieder von Gellert, Bee

08 3-Vom Tode, Sechs Lieder von Gellert, Beethoven

09 4-Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur, Sechs Lieder von Geller

10 5-Gottes Macht und Vorsehung, Sechs Lieder von Gellert

11 6-Busslied, Sechs Lieder von Gellert, Beethoven

12 1-Let me enjoy the earth, Till Earth Outwears, Gerald Finzi

13 2-In years defaced

14 3-The Market-Girl

15 4-I look into my Glass

16 5-It never looks like Summer

17 6-At a lunar Eclipse

18 7-Life laughs onward

19 Acquaint Now Thyself with Him, Michael Head

20 The Lord is my Shepherd, Samuel Liddle

21 Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee, Samuel Liddle

22 The Lords Prayer, Albert Hay Malotte

23 1-This We Declare unto You, Opus 49, H. Leroy Baumgartner

24 2-Behold What Manner of Love

25 3-Love Is of God

26 4-This Is the Victory, Even Our Faith

27 The Glory of His Presence

28 Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I Know

29 Holy Is what the Angels Sing

30 Jesus Paid it All

31 One Day

32 Why should He Love Me So

33 Flee As a Bird to the Mountains

34 Oh My Soul, Bless thou Jehovah

35 I Love to Tell the Story

36 Just a Closer Walk with Thee

37 Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I Know

38 No One Ever Cared for Me like Jesus

39 My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me

40 At the End of the Road

41 Stille Sein

42 Es harrt die Braut

43 Die Uhr

44 Die Uhr

MD6 Tabor College Quartets and Solos

01 Remember Now thy Creator

02 In the Garden

03 Lord, Open Thou Our Eyes

04 Still with Thee

05 So nimm den meine Haende

06 Ich bete an die Macht der Liebe

07 The Kings Highway

08 Wonderful Peace

09 God is Waiting

10 Shall I Crucify My Savior

11 When I Think how they Crusified My Lord

12 Alelujah, Christ is Risen

13 Is it well with Your Soul

14 Stille Sein

15 Must Jesus bear the Cross Alone

16 Come Ye Blessed

MD7 Spring Valley Quartet 1949

01 Help Me to be Holy

02 Oh, twas Love

03 Though Your sins be as Scarlet

04 He Plans it all

05 Be Strong

06 Kneel At the Cross

07 Dare to Stand Like Joshua

08 Gods Book

09 The Resurrection Morning

10 Jesus Satisfies Me

11 Ever the Same

12 A Prayer

13 Hallelujah, We Shall Rise

14 Joy Bells

15 God is Everywhere

16 Keep Your Eyes upon the Mountains

17 Glorious things of Thee are Spoken

18 God's Promise Is True

19 God is Love

20 On the Kings Highway

21 At Calvary

22 Jesus is Able to Keep

23 Strengthen Thou Me

24 Be a Friend

25 I Need Thee Every Hour

26 Prepare to Meet Thy God

27 Well never Say Good-bye

28 Is it Well with Your Soul

29 Strengthen Thou Me

30 Man of Sorrows

31 Jesus the very Thought of Thee

32 Blessed Hour of Prayer

33 Just a little Talk

34 The Jericho Road

35 The Whole of Life

36 Returning Faith

37 Have you Ever done Your Best

38 Power in the Blood

39 There is a Fountain

40 Ive Anchored in Jesus

41 Empty Handed

42 Hold the Fort

43 I Need Thee every Hour

MD8 Master, Selected Sacred Solos

01 The Lord Is My Shepherd, Malotte

02 The Lords Prayer, Malotte

03 Be Thou Faithful Unto Death, Mendelssohn

04 Comfort Ye, Handel

05 Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart, Handel

06 Behold and See, Handel

07 He Was Cut off, Handel

08 He Counteth All Your Sorrows, Mendelssohn

09 Ye People Rend Your Hearts, If with all Your Hearts, Men

10 Then Shall the Righteous Shine, Mendelssohn

11 Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee, Liddle

12 If I gained the World

13 Bless this House

14 Seal Us Oh Holy Spirit

15 Come, Come Ye Saints

16 The Cross, Harriet Ware

17 Christ Went up Into the Hills, Hageman

18 Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners

19 Injemisco, Verdi REQUIM

20 I Love to Tell the Story

21 Just a Closer Walk with Thee

22 Jesus Is the Sweetest Name

23 No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus

24 My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me

25 At the End of the Road

26 Stille Sein

Memorial Service, Agnes Kliewer, Sept 17, 1998, Analog, First Copy

01 He Counteth all Your Sorrows, Hymn of Praise, Mendelssoh

02 Then shall the Righteous Shine Forth, Elijah, Mendelssoh

03 The 23rd Psalm, Malotte

04 Organ Music by Sharon Lyons

05 Scripture, Prayer, Dr. Paschall

06 Be Thou Faithful unto Death, St. Paul, Mendelssohn

07 Message, Dr. Frank Lewis

08 The Lords Prayer, Malotte

Vowel Study, Voice Examples, Vowel Samples

01 MD6 Shall I Crucify My Savior, T.C. Male Quartet, 1945

02 MD4 The Lost Cord, 1947

03 MD4 23rd Psalm, Malotte, 1953

04 MD4 Be Thou Faithful, 1953

05 Swiss Yodel

06 MD4 Comfort Ye, 1955

07 MD3 Oh When I was in Love ..., 1957

08 MD1 Prieslied, 1960

09 MD1 Die Lieb des Naechsten

10 MD3 If I Gained the World, 1965

11 MD3 Una furtiva lagrima, 1967

12 MD3 Salut demeure, 1973

13 MD4 Because He Lives, 1978

14 MD4 Acquaint Now Thyself with Him, 1985

15 All Is Well, 1990

16 MD3 Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee, 1965

17 Vowels, Normal Pitch

18 Vowels, half speed 2

18 Vowels, half speed

19 Vowels, quarter speed 2

19 Vowels, quarter speed

20 Vowels, one-eighth speed 2

20 Vowels, one-eighth speed

21 Vowels, one-sixteenth speed 2

21 Vowels, one-sixteenth speed

22 Harmonic Component of the Highest Vocal Formant in all Vowels 1378.125 hz

24 E 1318.510227652 hz

25 F 1396.912925732 hz

26 F Sharp 1479.977690846 hz

27 Normal Component of the Highest Vocal Formant in all Vowels 2756.25 hz

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Other web sites of interest:

College and University voice diction textbooks:  https://www.stmpublishers.com

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